• Download content directly from video or TV

    PURPOSE Utilize Sizzle as the hyperlink that takes valuable downloadable content that is available from a broadcast program or a streaming service and enable that content to be instantly downloaded without searching for links outside of the viewing experience. Generates downloads, sales, consumer interactions, market research, engagement and appreciation. CONCEPT Use the Sizzle interactive button […]

  • Encode YouTube content with Hot Spots

    PURPOSE Sizzle’s interactive surface for video enables many new functionalities and experiences that make your videos more profitable, engaging, transactional, and gamified. Sizzle’s Sizzle Reels will showcase the finest in videos and commercials using the newest promotional tools, systems and concepts to increase the ROI of advertising. CONCEPT Hot Spots are provided on a Matrix […]

  • Engage users with influencer branded games

    PURPOSE Create an influencer opportunity to expand their reach with new games inside their area of expertise. Users are able to play the games and receive offers and prizes for their participation. CONCEPT In this version of the game, a Name That Tune kind of game, users hear small segments of a song and then […]

  • Fabulous, mouth-watering meals entice

    PURPOSE Excite a user to view sumptuous food through an engaging augmented reality presentation. Gamify the experience with discounts and prizes and whet the audience’s appetite so they are excited to dine in the restaurant. CONCEPT Food with exquisite design is augmented atop a physical location, using GPS, such as standing outside the Waldorf Astoria, […]

  • Gamification allows user exposure to treats

    PURPOSE Excite a user to view mouth-watering beverages and refreshments through an engaging augmented reality presentation. Gamify the experience with discounts and prizes and whet the audience’s appetite so they play the game, and then use their discount stimuli to purchase refreshments. CONCEPT Drinks and refreshments with exquisite design is augmented atop a physical location, […]

  • Gamified market research

    PURPOSE Leverage key moments in editorial content for brief interludes of an interactive poll or survey. Design the content in a gamified style to make it light and fun, while still picking up valuable market research. CONCEPT Sizzle merchants are able to display content in their editorial sections which deliver an audience that has directly […]

  • High stakes prognostication game

    PURPOSE Activate and engage a fan with a fast running predictive game. This may be used against award shows, all sporting events and other live broadcast competitions. Creates user engagement, brand loyalty, fan base growth, peer to peer sharing and social media sharing. CONCEPT A user can make a prediction as to who the winner […]

  • Increase sales using AR promotional stunts

    PURPOSE Increase the total volume of refreshment and concession sales at stadiums, clubs, venues and other large experiences. CONCEPTS User points the camera at the stadium field and they see an augmented reality dragon, drone or other delivery device that is shooting out floating bottles of the product. User uses their Sizzle app to catch […]

  • Incremental quizzes and tests

    PURPOSE Create a transactional learning system that enables content producer to put their content behind a pay wall, sell merchandise from that content, and put tests and quizzes throughout the content to interact with students as they work their way through the video lessons. CONCEPT Use the hot spots in Sizzle videos to program test […]

  • Influencers host jam-along competitions

    PURPOSE Create opportunity for influencers to provide new experiences to their fans by making SizzleFX holograms available for performance and dual recordings. CONCEPT An influencer stages an experience in which their audience can record themselves with the influencer doing anything that the influencer desires. In this model, it is a jam-along with Marty Music. In […]