• Studios use AR to deliver bonus content

    PURPOSE Bring posters to life to make unique on location experiences to drive users to the theater. Generate increased awareness, fandom, brand loyalty, word of mouth and massive social sharing. CONCEPT In a movie theater, Sizzle scans a poster and an augmented experience unique to the film, springs to life. This can lead to any […]

  • Styletto causes consumer engagement

    PURPOSE Create a game that enables users to view merchandise as the playing pieces within the game. Use that product familiarity to generate market research, purchases and consumer engagements. CONCEPTS Styletto is a game like Bejeweled or Candy Crush, but it is played with brand merchandise, so the consumer is exposed to many purchasable items […]

  • Superhero selfies

    GPS enables special SizzleFX to work in specific locations. Drive consumers to retail locations for interaction with their favorite virtual characters. PURPOSE Drive retail traffic to specific locations to access augmented reality experiences and games. CONCEPT Sizzle provides a host of augmented reality holograms for the promotion of entertainment. These holograms can be triggered by […]

  • Sweepstakes are made for sharing

    PURPOSE Stimulate users to check in daily with a brand and play that brand’s game. CONCEPT In Sizzle, our consumers will be able to visit brand pages on a daily basis, and each day they will secure ticket(s) for their entry into a cash sweepstakes. No purchase is required to get the free entry tickets […]

  • Taste of the season

    PURPOSE A global seasonal stunt to bring one of the greatest legends of all time to life. Engage an audience to activate a holographic experience at at key moment in time. Generates viral sharing, user engagement, user identification and increased brand awareness and appreciation. CONCEPT Point your phone into the sky at dusk on December 24th. […]

  • The Voice Trigger

    PURPOSE Leverage a celebrity augmented reality performance in partnership with a brand to create a consumer need to purchase a specific package that will trigger the augmented performance. Generates sales, awareness, peer to peer sharing, social media sharing and distributes discounts and prizes to end users building brand loyalty and consumer engagement. CONCEPT Point your […]

  • The world’s largest flying pizza

    PURPOSE Stimulate a user becoming a bigger fan of a brand by giving the consumer a cool experience using Sizzle’s Augmented Reality to deliver a recordable AR stunt that is shareable in all media. CONCEPT User points the camera at a specific region, direction, etc. And GPS trigger starts the stunt. In this situation, it […]

  • Theatres use AR to deliver digital swag

    PURPOSE Deliver offers to consumers through broadcast media and in physical locations using inaudible audio signals that only Sizzle app can hear.  In all circumstances, an audience connecting to an audio signal in a theater, location, radio broadcast, game or television broadcast, is an audience that a Sizzle merchant can market to at a later […]

  • Then and Nows reveal new dimensions

    PURPOSE Expand the tourism experience by providing augmented experiences that bring history to life while touring a city or region. CONCEPT Augmented experiences reveal historic photos from the user’s current vantage point. Augmentations that appear transposed over the current scene. Stories of famous crime scenes, or stories of heroism, bravery and patriotism. Or developmental changes […]

  • Tour the set, find bonus content

    Sizzle takes you through the sets of some of the most exciting films, and allows you to find the Easter eggs hidden inside the set for prizes, merch and bonus content. PURPOSE Leverage out of home advertising, broadcast, streaming and print media to trigger the delivery of a Sizzle virtual reality exploration of the set […]