Retail Stores are in a continuous evolution as the mind of the consumer expands with new experiences, engagements and interactions. As a consumer enters the retail establishments, there are always substantial stimuli to attract their attention.
Consumers appreciate when processes, such as application of cosmetics are made more easy to understand using informational tutorial videos. Retail environments are enhanced with a host of customer time-saving features that build both appreciation and loyalty. Access to this content can be triggered by scanning, GPS, time, audio signals, etc. to further attract the consumer to engage.

Most important, Sizzle helps bridge the gap of an anonymous consumer walking through the retail store, by providing incentives for them to engage with a display and make the digital connection to the brand. A consumer might opt to watch a makeup tutorial to explore whether a particular selection of products might be a good fit for them. Or a progressive cosmetic company could launch an augmented cosmetic overlay inside Sizzle to simulate specific styles for a consumer to try on without use of any actual makeup.

Scanning in-store displays deliver tutorial informational videos paired with shopping lists, making it very easy for a customer to watch a couple videos, make an informed selection inside the retail stores and easily purchase the prescribed list of products, paired with the video. Then the tutorial video is readily available inside Sizzle for the consumer to access when they are home and ready to try using the makeup on themselves.

Sizzle increases the amount of product information available at the time of sale. An informed decision is more likely to convert than one that is left in doubt. Sizzle can provide this information in as many languages as your retail stores require.
Brands may pair the incentive to visit their retail stores with a contest to visit the origin of a special product.

The Illusion Factory will gladly assist you in navigating the best possible practices for your retail stores.